Emmanuel Ugwu

Emmanuel Ugwu, (B.2001), from Enugu state Nigeria. Emmanuel is currently studying art, at the Department of Fine and Applied Art University of Nigeria Nsukka. I’m a multidisciplinary artist who creates innovative, conceptual artworks using human images and metaphors. My first inspiration for making creative works of art ponders on human therapy through the art I create. I desire that through my works, I can invite viewers to ponder on both socio-political and economic structures in this present day which affect our mental health and self-love using art as a means to finding solutions to solve them. Participated exhibitions include; limcaf top 100 Grand Final Exhibition, Nails in the Wall Gallery USA Emerging 2022, Dreams Alive 2018, 2019, Marlima Basement, and University of Nigeria Nsukka. Publications include; hotkey art blog, USA, 2022

